One of the nice things about being retired (a nice way of saying unemployed) is that I can wear whatever I want around the house all day.
For instance, if I don't have clean socks in the drawer, all I have to do is find two socks that are somewhat similar in color. I'm not real choosy. Gray and gray-blue look about the same to me. If all I have available is a black sock with ribbing and one black plain sock, no sweat! They're both black, aren't they??
If I'm having lunch and drop a blob of food on my sweatshirt, no problem at all. Just turn that sweatshirt inside out and I'm good for the rest of the day! Why is that wrong? Go to the stores and you'll pay big bucks for sweatshirts MADE to look wrong-side out.
Today is a perfect example of the retired dress code. I am wearing a bright red long-sleeve knit shirt, fuschia sweat pants and grape purple socks. I make quite a colorful display. If any of the stoplights go out in town today, the city could just let me swing on the arm that holds the lights and I would certainly slow traffic if not stop it!
To be honest, my cats really don't care what color of clothing I wear. They just know that when I sit down in the recliner I have prepared a soft bed for them. Aren't cats color blind? That might explain their lack of fashion sense. I don't think there is an explanation for mine!
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