Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is your gift?

What is your gift?

I'm not asking about the new necklace someone gave you, or the set of pretty dishes you received for your birthday. I want to know what your gift is from God.

I'm leading a Bible study by John Ortberg, "If You Want To Walk On Water You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat."

Our lesson Sunday night was about recognizing our gifts. The Bible talks about God's gift to each of us - some have the gift to preach, others to teach, while others may have the gift of leadership. In some way, each of us has at least one God-given gift.

One person felt her gift was having a positive attitude, to turn around bad things to something positive. What a gift, not only for herself but those around her!

Two others had been teachers, using their God-given gift to help children learn. One said she also felt writing was her gift, and another liked to create by sewing and making beautiful afghans.

Our God-given gift isn't something that arrives one day all neatly packaged in a pretty box with a bright bow that we can open and instantly possess. Instead, our God-given gift begins to surface in our childhood, then it buds during our school years. As we study and work to hone that gift, it blossoms as we grow older. As long as we live, we are developing God's gift to us.

So, I ask again, what is your God-given gift?

Perhaps as important as answering that question is another question: What will you do with your God-given gift?

Are you willing to "step out of the boat" and accept the challenge of using God's gift to you?

Step out in faith and use your God-given talent. It will not be used up but will multiply and develop a patina, growing more beautiful every day.

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