Fifty-four Ways to FLY
by The FlyLady, Marla Cilley
We all love lists. I started this list when I turned 50. I decided to update it this year. It is always fun to look at what I have learned and how I have grown.
My journey is about progress not perfection. Things change and life goes on. Learning to finally love myself was the key that unlocked my purpose for living.
Here are the lessons I have learned along the way:
1. Sidetracked paths can be wonderful places to visit.
2. There are no decisions to make if you lay out your clothes at night.
3. Post-It Notes on my mirror to floss makes my dentist happy.
4. Drinking water is the cheapest beauty and health treatment.
5. Beautiful music keeps away the bad news.
6. With a happy outlook there is always something to be thankful for.
7. My calendar is my memory!
8. Audio books bless me with the written word.
9. My floors never seem that dirty when I dust mop for 2 minutes.
10. No one can write "Dust Me" when I feather dust daily.
11. Sink shining is an obsession that changed my life.
12. Fifteen minutes is an amazing amount of time. My timer is my best friend!
13. Weighing every morning is my guidepost for the day, not a whipping post.
14. Being in a hurry doesn't get you there any faster.
15. Smiling is contagious to everyone around you.
16. Making up my bed makes me smile.
17. Birds at our bird feeders make me happy.
18. A daily bathroom swish and swipe blesses me.
19. Eating like a baby every couple hours fires up my metabolism.
20. Our home is not a landfill. Getting rid of clutter saved my life!
21. Our home is not a museum either. Tossing out the bad memories saved my sanity.
22. Lace-up shoes empowers me!
23. Shiny sinks give me hope
24. Cleared coffee tables inspire me to write.
25. Flowers in gardens are God Smiles.
26. Gratitude is a precious gift to me. I say "Thank You" often.
27. Attitude is everything! If you think you can, you will!
28. Hate is like the poison pill you take to kill the other person.
29. Martyr attitudes are just self-pity expressed to hurt loved ones.
30. A load of laundry a day keeps Mount Washmore away.
31. Forgiveness is freeing to your soul.
32. My home is my happiness file!
33. Front porch rocking chairs are essential any time of the year.
34. Telephones don't have to be answered.
35. Sometimes hyper-focusing can be fun! You just can't do it all day and all night!
36. Meditation lets the God Breezes blow.
37. Babysteps keep me from feeling overwhelmed.
38. Flowers arranged imperfectly in a vase still look pretty.
39. Routines are not strait jackets, they are the framework.
40. Cooking is fun in a clean, well-stocked kitchen.
41. Fiber in my diet keeps things moving!
42. Taking care of me keeps me feeling healthy, wealthy and wise.
43. I can't help someone who is not willing to help themselves.
44. Having only clothes that make me feel pretty keeps my closet from being mean to me.
45. Surrounding myself with Born Organized was the best advice I ever heeded.
46. Establishing routines helped me grow up and find my purpose for living.
47. Finally Loving Yourself is the gift that keeps on giving!
48. Delegating is a learned skill; I don't have to do it all, just follow up.
49. Loyalty is a gift that you give freely. To receive loyalty, you have to give love!
50. If you multitask you can't listen. Stop, Drop and Listen.
51. Facebook reconnects with you with old friends. Time FLYs when you have fun.
52. Most everything is small stuff; so what doesn't matter; just doesn't matter.
53. Laughing every day is good for me; even if I have to laugh at myself.
54. Love like there is no tomorrow, because one day there will not be a tomorrow.
For more help getting rid of your Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome, check out The Flylady's Web site and join her free mentoring group at http://www.flylady.net/. You can get her book, "Sink Reflections," published by Bantam and her New York Times Best-Selling book, "Body Clutter," published by Fireside. Copyright 2010 Marla Cilley Used by permission.
2. There are no decisions to make if you lay out your clothes at night.
3. Post-It Notes on my mirror to floss makes my dentist happy.
4. Drinking water is the cheapest beauty and health treatment.
5. Beautiful music keeps away the bad news.
6. With a happy outlook there is always something to be thankful for.
7. My calendar is my memory!
8. Audio books bless me with the written word.
9. My floors never seem that dirty when I dust mop for 2 minutes.
10. No one can write "Dust Me" when I feather dust daily.
11. Sink shining is an obsession that changed my life.
12. Fifteen minutes is an amazing amount of time. My timer is my best friend!
13. Weighing every morning is my guidepost for the day, not a whipping post.
14. Being in a hurry doesn't get you there any faster.
15. Smiling is contagious to everyone around you.
16. Making up my bed makes me smile.
17. Birds at our bird feeders make me happy.
18. A daily bathroom swish and swipe blesses me.
19. Eating like a baby every couple hours fires up my metabolism.
20. Our home is not a landfill. Getting rid of clutter saved my life!
21. Our home is not a museum either. Tossing out the bad memories saved my sanity.
22. Lace-up shoes empowers me!
23. Shiny sinks give me hope
24. Cleared coffee tables inspire me to write.
25. Flowers in gardens are God Smiles.
26. Gratitude is a precious gift to me. I say "Thank You" often.
27. Attitude is everything! If you think you can, you will!
28. Hate is like the poison pill you take to kill the other person.
29. Martyr attitudes are just self-pity expressed to hurt loved ones.
30. A load of laundry a day keeps Mount Washmore away.
31. Forgiveness is freeing to your soul.
32. My home is my happiness file!
33. Front porch rocking chairs are essential any time of the year.
34. Telephones don't have to be answered.
35. Sometimes hyper-focusing can be fun! You just can't do it all day and all night!
36. Meditation lets the God Breezes blow.
37. Babysteps keep me from feeling overwhelmed.
38. Flowers arranged imperfectly in a vase still look pretty.
39. Routines are not strait jackets, they are the framework.
40. Cooking is fun in a clean, well-stocked kitchen.
41. Fiber in my diet keeps things moving!
42. Taking care of me keeps me feeling healthy, wealthy and wise.
43. I can't help someone who is not willing to help themselves.
44. Having only clothes that make me feel pretty keeps my closet from being mean to me.
45. Surrounding myself with Born Organized was the best advice I ever heeded.
46. Establishing routines helped me grow up and find my purpose for living.
47. Finally Loving Yourself is the gift that keeps on giving!
48. Delegating is a learned skill; I don't have to do it all, just follow up.
49. Loyalty is a gift that you give freely. To receive loyalty, you have to give love!
50. If you multitask you can't listen. Stop, Drop and Listen.
51. Facebook reconnects with you with old friends. Time FLYs when you have fun.
52. Most everything is small stuff; so what doesn't matter; just doesn't matter.
53. Laughing every day is good for me; even if I have to laugh at myself.
54. Love like there is no tomorrow, because one day there will not be a tomorrow.
For more help getting rid of your Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome, check out The Flylady's Web site and join her free mentoring group at http://www.flylady.net/. You can get her book, "Sink Reflections," published by Bantam and her New York Times Best-Selling book, "Body Clutter," published by Fireside. Copyright 2010 Marla Cilley Used by permission.
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