Tomorrow, March 28, is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week for Christians. That first Palm Sunday began with Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, where throngs of people greeted him by waving palm branches. What a contrast to what would happen just a few days later -- but just a hint of what would take place to change history one week later.
There are a couple significant annual events taking place tomorrow. The first is the annual Palm Sunday breakfast at the Masonic Temple at B & McDonald in North Platte.
The next event is the Curtis Easter Pageant at 3 p.m. in the Medicine Valley High School auditorium. Admission is free with donations accepted.
This year's pageant is dedicated to George and Joan Wetzel of Curtis who have participated throughout the years in various roles, as have their children. The following link will take you to a front-page story from the North Platte Telegraph.
It's a short jaunt to Curtis and the event is well worth the time and drive to see this performance as the beginning of your Holy Week observances.
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