"There are only three things you need to let go of: judging, controlling, and being right. Release these three and you will have the whole mind and twinkly heart of a child."

~ Hugh Prather
Every day I get an uplifting e-mail from http://www.walkthetalk.com/ and this was the quote for today, June 4.
My first thought was "Let go of judging, controlling and being right? Where's the fun in life if you give up those three?"
But then you read the last sentence and you see that by giving up all that hard work of judging and controlling, you actually come out ahead.
Judging is hard work! In fact, it's such hard work that the Bible tells us we shouldn't do it. So I TRY to remember that judging others is God's work and his shoes are waaaay too big for me to fill.
As far as controlling, my chiropractor - of all people - told me last week that I was a control freak! Doc Schufeldt, just because I don't relax so you can twist me up like a fat pretzel and then tell me that's the most fun you've had all day, that does NOT make me a control freak! On the other hand......
And as far as being right is concerned, now that I'm what they call a senior citizen (I'm still middle-aged in my mind - if you believe in people living to be 140 years old!) I don't worry about whether or not I'm right, because I KNOW I'm right. I've made about all the mistakes that can be made, with the exception of a few, so I've gotten a lot of experience rolled into being right.
One of my new favorite quotes is what a teacher said to a student: "I didn't get to be this old by being stupid!"
PS. Want to know who Hugh Prather is and why we should listen to him? He is an author, minister, and counselor who is most famous for his first book, "Notes to Myself." After looking up the information on him, I want to further check out some of his books.
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