Operating System Overload
by The FlyLady, Marla Cilley
Whether we like it or not we are in the computer world. As we have found out the hard way when something goes wrong with our operating system, the data we put in does not come out with the result we expected.
Let's stop trying to figure out what caused the problem and let's concentrate on the facts. It takes time to replace an operating system. Right now we have to understand its idiosyncrasies and work around them.
The first little quirk that is in our operating system is if we put too much information in, it tends to shut down and stop working. In order to work around this, all we have to do is load one thing at a time. Doesn't that sound familiar? We get overwhelmed and nothing gets done! When we focus on one habit or one thing we can trick the operating system into getting something done.
This got me to thinking using reverse psychology on myself. I may have a strong urge to do something, let's say eat chocolate cake, but I have given up bad carbs for Lent. There is half of a chocolate cake in the kitchen. So, instead of going to the kitchen to gobble down a plate full of cake, I decide to sidetrack myself. My water bottle is full so I take a great big drink and head to the opposite end of the house to do something else for just three minutes.
With a load of laundry in hand, I take it to the basement. Before I know it, that uncontrollable urge has been forgotten.
This is the part of my operating system that I understand and have learned to use to my advantage. Gotta love those little quirks! Sometimes our operating system can get us in big trouble. I am talking about our mouth and how fast we can fire off an e-mail, instant message, text, Tweet or Facebook post.
When we feel we have been wronged in some way, we are determined to defend ourselves and others. We feel like the protectors of all. This calls for some more sidetrackery! I love making up new words to describe our operating systems. This is the hardest urge of all to fight and we can do it.
When you feel that overwhelming response spilling out of your fingertips, grab a pen and paper and not your computer. Bite your tongue and go write. This is what we need when we are about to explode. Then you can vent without all the drama. I also keep hearing a cute song in my head by Carrie Newcomer, "Don't Push Send!" This stops me from hurting feelings and being rude.
Practicing doing just the opposite of what we really want to do can help us change our operating system. This takes time and a lot of FLY (Finally Loving Yourself) Washing. We can do it. We have the ability to sidetrack ourselves just long enough to stop our quirky operating system from making our lives more chaotic.
Are you ready to download your new operating system? Finally Loving Yourself comes in babysteps that can give you the results you really want!
For more help getting rid of your CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome), check out her Web site and join her free mentoring group at http://www.flylady.net/ or her book, Sink Reflections published by Bantam and her New York Times Best Selling book, Body Clutter published by Fireside. Copyright 2010 Marla Cilley Used by permission.
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